Additional Streamlit Examples

Streamlit applications available through the GitHub open-source community can also be adapted and launched through Notebooks Hub.

Example: Demonstration of Gradient Descent

The Demonstration of Gradient Descent Streamlit app is a teaching demo sourced from a public repository created by Christopher Davis. See the open-source app in action here.

The file begins by importing the necessary Python packages.

from numpy.core.fromnumeric import repeat
import streamlit as st
import altair as alt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

Code can be commented out using hashstags (#) to add notes. Here, using st.markdown() is unnecessary if containing comments within the code. Otherwise, Streamlit will render markdown and display the text passed through in the app.

# st.markdown('''To do:
# * Batch size
# * Divide the coloring step from the line update step
# * Replace the grey line with the line of best fit (scikit-learn)
# * Image for contour lines?
# ''')

Initial parameters are defined to be used in the app.

rng = np.random.default_rng()
pts = 20
max_updates = 2000
init_alpha = 0.01
init_batch = 1
init_theta = (4,0)

Various custom functions are also defined with the code shown below.

# coefs = [a,b,c] where our line is ax + by + c = 0
def line_fn(coefs):
    t0, t1 = coefs
    return lambda x: t0 + t1*x

def draw_line(coefs, dom, color="lightgrey"):
    f = line_fn(coefs)
    line_dom = [dom[0] - 5, dom[1] + 5]
    df = pd.DataFrame({"x": line_dom, "y": [f(x) for x in line_dom]})
    c = (
        .mark_line(clip=True, color=color)
            x=alt.X("x", scale=alt.Scale(domain=dom)),
    return c

def update_theta(theta,batch,alpha):
    t0, t1 = theta
    val = 2*(t0 + t1*batch["x"] - batch["y"])/pts
    return (t0 - (alpha*val).sum(), t1 - (alpha*val*batch["x"]).sum())

def make_theta_array(df, pt_idx, alpha, batch):
    theta_arr = [init_theta]
    for i in range(max_updates):
                update_theta(theta_arr[i],df.loc[pt_idx[i*batch:(i+1)*batch],["x","y"]], alpha)
    return theta_arr

Additionally, the app makes use of Session State. st.session_state stores variables and has values persist across reruns within each user session. In this example, the author manipulates which specific variables are stored and cleared throughout the user session.

if "batch" in st.session_state:
    batch = st.session_state["batch"]
    batch = init_batch

def update():
    theta_arr = [(4,0)]
    (_, df, pt_idx) = st.session_state["data"]
    alpha = st.session_state["alpha"]
    batch = st.session_state["batch"]
    st.session_state["theta_arr"] = make_theta_array(df, pt_idx, alpha, batch)

def get_latex_for_line(m,b):
    return f'''$y = {round(m,2)}x {"+" if b >= 0 else ""} {round(b,2)}$'''

def clear_data():
    del st.session_state["data"]
    st.session_state["step_slider"] = 0
    del st.session_state["theta_arr"]

if "data" in st.session_state:
    (fit_coefs, df, pt_idx) = st.session_state["data"]
    coefs = 30 * rng.random(size=(2)) - 20
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(pts), columns=["x", "y", "color"])
    df["x"] = rng.normal(size=pts, loc=0, scale=3)
    true_f = line_fn(coefs)
    df["y"] = true_f(df["x"]) + rng.normal(size=pts, loc=0, scale=7)
    df["color"] = 0

    reg = LinearRegression()[["x"]], df[["y"]])
    fit_1 = reg.coef_[0][0]
    fit_0 = reg.intercept_[0]

    fit_coefs = (fit_0, fit_1)

    pt_idx = np.concatenate([rng.permutation(range(pts)) for i in range((max_updates*batch)//pts + 1)])

    st.session_state["data"] = (fit_coefs, df, pt_idx)

if "theta_arr" in st.session_state:
    theta_arr = st.session_state["theta_arr"]
    theta_arr = [(4,0)]

    for i in range(max_updates):
                ["x","y"]], init_alpha))

    st.session_state["theta_arr"] = theta_arr

A title and text instructions are added using st.title() and st.markdown() for Streamlit to render for the app.

st.title("Demonstration of Gradient Descent")

# This line was added for Notebooks Hub use to properly credit and acknowledge the original author of the app.
st.write("This example was adapted from the original [here](")

st.markdown('''Some data is shown below, together with the line of best fit for that data.
There is a formula for finding that best fit line, but it can be more efficient to find
the line instead using the iterative procedure of *gradient descent*.

Our goal is to find coefficients $t_0$, $t_1$
so that the line $y = t_1 x + t_0$ fits the data as well as possible.  We start with the guess $y = 4$ and
then gradually update the parameters.

* The number of iterations to perform.
* The *learning rate*, which controls how much the parameters change with each update.
* The *batch size*, how many of the data points you want to consider in each step.  For stochastic
gradient descent, use a batch size of 1.

The following code defines additional variables and adds an Altair chart.

xmin = df["x"].min()
xmax = df["x"].max()
ymin = df["y"].min()
ymax = df["y"].max()

chart1 = draw_line(fit_coefs, [xmin, xmax])

chart2 = alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode(
    x=alt.X("x",scale=alt.Scale(domain=[xmin, xmax])),
    y=alt.Y("y",scale=alt.Scale(domain=[ymin, ymax])),
    color=alt.Color("color:N", legend=None, scale=alt.Scale(domain=[0,1], range=["darkgrey","red"])),

fit_0, fit_1 = fit_coefs

Streamlit offers various layouts and containers to organize elements within your app (see documentation). In this example, st.sidebar provides a left-pinned pane that can be toggled in and out of view to provide the user with an option to adjust algorithm parameters, if desired.

with st.sidebar:
    st.write("Here you can adjust some parameters for the gradient descent algorithm.")

    learn = st.slider("What learning rate?",min_value=0.0,max_value=0.2,step=0.002, value = init_alpha,
                key="alpha", on_change = update, format="%.3f")

    batch = st.slider("What batch size?",min_value=1,max_value=pts,step=1, value = init_batch,
                key="batch", on_change = update)

As seen with st.sidebar above, Streamlit offers a variety of interactive widgets. This example app uses st.slider to render a slider widget for value selection. The following slider is outside of st.sidebar and will render inside the main app.

step = st.slider("How many updates do you want to perform?",min_value=0,max_value=max_updates,step=1,
                key = "step_slider")

The following code defines additional parameters and Altair charts.

df["color"] = 0

df.loc[pt_idx[step*batch:(step+1)*batch],"color"] = 1

t0, t1 = theta_arr[step]

chart1b = draw_line((t0,t1), [xmin, xmax],color="black")

c0, c1 = st.columns((7,5))

with c0:

df_theta = pd.DataFrame(theta_arr, columns=["t0","t1"])

t0_min, t1_min = df_theta.min(axis=0) - 2
t0_max, t1_max = df_theta.max(axis=0) + 2

chart_theta = alt.Chart(df_theta.loc[:step]).mark_circle().encode(
    x=alt.X("t0",scale=alt.Scale(domain=[t0_min, t0_max])),
    y=alt.Y("t1",scale=alt.Scale(domain=[t1_min, t1_max])),

chart_fit = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({"t0":[fit_0],"t1":[fit_1]})).mark_point(
        x = "t0",
        y = "t1",

with c1:
    st.altair_chart(chart_theta + chart_fit,use_container_width=True)

Lastly, the source code of this example ends with a button widget that grabs a new set of data with the custom function clear_data(), which was defined earlier and made use of st.session_state. Educational text is also displayed using st.markdown() and st.write(). Another custom function that was defined above, get_latex_for_line(), is also used to render mathematical notation within he displayed text.

st.button("Get new data",on_click=clear_data)

    f"""The line of best fit is given by the equation
        {get_latex_for_line(fit_1, fit_0)}.  (Shown in grey.)

st.markdown(f"Our current guess for the line is given by {get_latex_for_line(t1, t0)}.  (Shown in black.)")

st.write('''The chart on the right shows the estimated coefficients so far (in blue) and the
best-fit coefficients (in red).

Adapting Other Open-Source Examples

If you want to use Notebooks Hub to launch an open-source app, it is as simple as pointing the Notebooks Hub Streamlit server to the file.

Load app while working inside VS Code
1. Pass the URL through the terminal using streamlit run https://github/path/to/
As a stand-alone app
1. Download <appFilename>.py from the repository.
2. Ensure all Python dependencies included in the requirements.txt file are installed in the Python environment module you intend to load on Notebooks Hub.
3. Follow steps to launch app using Notebooks Hub.

The repository may contain Procfile and files that are used when deploying apps through platform as a service (PaaS) hosts such as Heroku. These files are not necessary to launch the app inside Notebooks Hub.

However, if the app fails to load when creating the server (but works by calling Streamlit through the terminal in VS Code), incorporate the contents at the top of <appFilename>.py to set the config.toml file using the instructions below. typically contains the following contents:

mkdir -p ~/.streamlit/
echo "\
headless = true\n\
port = $PORT\n\
enableCORS = false\n\
" > ~/.streamlit/config.toml

To adapt for use in Notebooks Hub, the shell script can be included in the <appFilename>.py file using the Python subprocess module as shown below.

import subprocess
pwd =['pwd'])['mkdir','-p', '.streamlit'])
pwd2 = f"{pwd}/.streamlit"
setupsh = """
           headless = true\n\
           port = $PORT\n\
           enableCORS = false\n\
           " > pwd2/config.toml