RStudio IDE

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for open-source data science using R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. RStudio IDE is one of many open-source tools offered by Posit and supports a variety of file types in addition to those using R, such as Python, C++, Markdown, and more.

Launch RStudio Instance on Notebooks Hub

Go to Notebooks Hub and log in with your credentials.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub login page

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub login page

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub credentials page

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub credentials page

Next, launch RStudio using either of the following two methods.

Method 1: Quick Launch

From the Home page, select RStudio to quick launch the IDE.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub home page

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub home page

Method 2: Custom Server Instance

Alternatively, use the sidebar navigation panel to select Servers and select Create New to launch an RStudio Instance with additional configurations.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub sidebar and dashboard panel

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub sidebar and dashboard panel

Next, work through the steps within the server wizard. Steps are illustrated below.

  1. Select RStudio under the IDE tab.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

  1. Select one of the options provided below.

  • Create New File: Create a new file when launching the server. If selected, the wizard will provide possible file extensions for the new file.

  • Upload File: This option allows the user to upload a file from the local computer onto the server.

  • Select File/Folder: This option points the server to a specific file that already exists on the server.

  • Skip: Launch without pointing to file. This is helpful when launching a fresh instance.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

  1. Select appropriate virtual hardware to utilize from the server host. In most cases, Shared Medium CPU is sufficient.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

  1. Select the appropriate module (i.e., python environment) to load for the instance. The latest R module is a great starting point. Custom python environments for R can be created by adapting the steps outlined inside the Notebooks Hub UI section.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

  1. Add details to your server instance and click launch.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

After the VS Code instance is created using either method, it will show up on your Servers page. The home icon on the top right corner of the instance indicates it was generated with quick launch from the Home page.

A screenshot of the RStudio instances on QA servers panel

A screenshot of the RStudio instances on QA servers panel

Open RStudio

There are many ways to create a new file in RStudio. It is best practice to create new files inside designated R projects for isolated, self-contained working environments. See details here.

A Screenshot of the RStudio Control Panel

A Screenshot of the RStudio Control Panel

Create a New Project

First, create a new project directory. In the Navigation Toolbar, select the New Project icon on the left or use the Project Explorer dropdown on the right.

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project icon

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project icon

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project Panel

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project Panel

Follow the steps in the New Project Wizard.

  1. Create project by selecting New Project.

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project Wizard

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project Wizard

  1. Select New Directory.

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project Wizard

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project Wizard

  1. Name your project directory (e.g., projectName) and, if applicable, navigate to the desired parent directory (e.g., ~/work) in which to place your project. This will create a project folder (e.g., projectName) containing an R project file (e.g., projectName.Rproj). R project files are shortcuts to working environments. Note: Files saved to your personal work directory will persist across user sessions.

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project Wizard

A Screenshot of the RStudio New Project Wizard

To close or switch projects, use the Project Explorer dropdown and select Close Project.

A screenshot of the RStudio project panel to close project

A screenshot of the RStudio project panel to close project

Create an R File

There are many types of R-specific files that can be created.
- R Script: A text file containing a set of commands and comments using the R language.
- R Markdown: A plain text file containing a combination of both text and R code using Pandoc’s Markdown syntax. R Markdown generates a dynamic document with the advantages of reproducibility, version control, and easy sharing of work. Visit the R Markdown website and syntax details here.
- R Notebook: An R Markdown Notebook expands on R Markdown, combining R Markdown with traditional computational notebooks into an interactive document. R notebooks use structured data representation (e.g., JSON) and are similar to Jupyter .ipynb notebooks. See additional details here.
- Shiny Web App: Interactive web apps powered by R (or Python) using the shiny package. Shiny elements can be embedded into R Notebooks, launched using RStudio IDE, or launched on various host servers, including Notebooks Hub.

An R script (.R) is much like a Python script (.py) but written using the R language.

A screenshot of an R script file

A screenshot of an R script file

An R markdown file (.Rmd) enables markdown syntax.

Image of RStudio’s R Markdown demo

Image of RStudio’s R Markdown demo

An R notebook (also .Rmd) takes an R markdown file further and incorporates code chunks, which functionally mimic code cells in Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb).

Image of RStudio’s R Notebook demo

Image of RStudio’s R Notebook demo

Shiny apps can be created in one single app.R file or split into two files, ui.R and server.R. Users can select the option that is most convenient for them, usually based on the expected code complexity of the application (i.e., lengthy code).

A screenshot of the RStudio with split app files

A screenshot of the RStudio with split app files

There are many advanced applications of R Markdown. Combining available tools such as flexdashboard, htmlwidgets, and shiny, users are able to create interactive dashboards, visualizations, presentations, websites, and more.

Helpful R Packages

There are many helpful R packages available individually and in curated collections. Most packages can be found on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) website by navigating to the Packages page under Software in the navigation toolbar on the left. Packages found in the CRAN repository are stable releases.

One helpful set is tidyverse, an opinionated package collection designed for data science.

Image of Tidyverse Packages

Image of Tidyverse Packages

The built-in R modules within Notebooks Hub come pre-configured with select R packages. To confirm whether your desired package (e.g., packageName) has been pre-installed, run system.file(package='packageName') or find.package('packageName') inside the R Console. If the package is installed in the loaded environment (e.g., R-0.2.0), the command will output the path where the package is located.

Consider the following example:
- R-0.2.0 was the selected module loaded when launching RStudio on Notebooks Hub
- Want to check if R package collection tidyverse is already installed
- Want to check if R package shiny is already installed
A screenshot of the R Console confirming installed package

A screenshot of the R Console confirming installed package

If the package does not exist, no path will be returned (i.e., ""). This means the package will need to be installed.

find.package() can also be used to check for multiple packages by using a vectored list (i.e., c('item1', 'item2')).

A screenshot of the R Console confirming installed packages

A screenshot of the R Console confirming installed packages

If the package does not exist, the console will provide an error. The package(s) will need to be installed.

Installing Packages from Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)

By default, packages are installed from CRAN using install.packages().

To install your desired package(s), run install.packages('packageName') or install.packages(c('package1', 'package2')) inside the R console.

install.packages("shiny")                   # install individual package
install.packages("tidyverse")               # install package collection
install.packages(c("shiny", "tidyverse"))   # install multiple packages

Installing Packages from Other Repositories

Packages can also be installed from other repositories, such as GitHub. To do so, either remotes or devtools packages must first be installed from CRAN.


install.packages('devtools', lib='~/R/lib') # alternative method

To install from a public GitHub repository, call install_github() from either remotes or devtools by using remotes::install_github() or devtools::install_github(username/repo_name[/subdir]), respectively. Additionally, remotes enables specification of a desired git reference (e.g., commit, tag, branch name, or a call to github_pull()).

devtools::install_github('rstudio/shiny')                           # standard example using devtools

remotes::install_github('rstudio/shiny')                            # standard example using remotes
remotes::install_github("wch/ggplot2", ref = github_pull("142"))    # more precise specification

To install from other external repositories, use install.packages() and include the repository URL with the repo argument as follows: install.packages('packageName', repos='<URL>', dependencies=TRUE)

install.packages('furrr', repos='', dependencies=TRUE)  # example using CRAN url

Lastly, packages can also be installed from a zip file (.zip or tar.gz) containing an R package that may have been shared directly and downloaded to your local machine. First, upload the zip file to your work folder in RStudio on Notebooks Hub, then use install.packages() with repo=NULL and type='source'. You can also use the devtools or remotes package.

install.packages('C:/Users/User/Downloads/', repos=NULL, type='source')  # method 1
devtools::install_local(                                                # method 2
remotes::install_local(                                                 # method 3

R Package Installation using the RStudio IDE UI

R Packages can also be installed from the local machine. Use the following steps to install:

  1. Click ToolsInstall Packages

  2. Select Package Archive File (.zip, .tar.gz) in the Install from: slot

  3. Find the corresponding file on the local machine, and click Open

  4. Click Install

Loading R Packages

In addition to installation, R packages need to be called into the environment for use. This primarily occurs at the beginning of the code using library(packageName).

Note: Despite the ability to install multiple packages with install.packages(), this is not the case when loading packages. Packages must be loaded individually unless bundled in a collection such as tidyverse. Packages are also called without quotations.

library(shiny)      # load individual package
library(tidyverse)  # load package collection

Helpful R Cheatsheets

Posit offers helpful cheatsheets that serve as quick references to help use some of the community’s favorite R packages.