Application Flow

Below you will find a sequence diagram detailing the application flow of Notebooks Hub.

sequenceDiagram participant UI participant API participant Jupyterhub participant Labshare_Auth UI->>Labshare_Auth: Authenticate Me Labshare_Auth-->>UI: Authenticated Jupyterhub->>Labshare_Auth: Authenticate Me Jupyterhub -->> API: Retrieve Server Data from Jupyterhub API API -->> UI: Retrieve Template Data and cross reference Server Data <br> with available Server Titles in the Template Data to populate the Dashboard Labshare_Auth-->>Jupyterhub: Authenticated UI->>API: Click Create New on Dashboard Page API-->>UI: Return Template Data and populate Wizard Jupyterhub -->> API: Retrieve Module list from Jupyterhub PV API -->> UI: Display Module List in Wizard Note right of Jupyterhub: Internally Rolled <br/>Oauth UI->>API: Spawn Jupyter Server from Template API-->>UI: Server Stream to wait for full Server Creation UI->>Jupyterhub: Create and Open Jupyterhub URL from Template and User/Server Data