
Solara is an open-source library that makes it easy to build web apps from pure Python using ipywidgets and a React-likle API. Solara offers the ability to build large, complex apps while keeping code simple. Solara apps work both inside Jupyter Notebooks and as a standalone web app using frameworks like FastAPI, starlette, and more.

Helpful tips can be found by visiting Solara’s Quickstart page. Solara also showcases example apps, found in the featured App Gallery.

We recommend using VS Code when creating Solara apps.

Launch VS Code

Generate VS Code Instance on Notebooks Hub

Go to Notebooks Hub and log in with your credentials.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub login page

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub login page

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub credentials page

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub credentials page

Next, launch VS Code using either of the following two methods.

Method 1: Quick Launch

From the Home page, select VS Code to quick launch the IDE.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub home page

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub home page

Method 2: Custom Server Instance

Alternatively, use the sidebar navigation panel to select Servers and select Create New to launch a VS Code instance with additional configurations.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub sidebar and dashboard panel

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub sidebar and dashboard panel

Next, work through the steps within the server wizard. Steps are illustrated below. 1. Select VS Code under the IDE tab.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

  1. Select one of the options provided below.

  • Create New File: Create a new file when launching the server. If selected, the wizard will provide possible file extensions for the new file.

  • Upload File: This option allows the user to upload a file from the local computer onto the server.

  • Select File/Folder: This option points the server to a specific file that already exists on the server.

  • Skip: Launch without pointing to file. This is helpful when launching a fresh instance.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

  1. Select appropriate virtual hardware to utilize from the server host. In most cases, Shared Medium CPU is sufficient.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

  1. Select the appropriate module (i.e., python environment) to load for the instance. The latest python-data-science module is a great starting point. Custom environments and modules can be created following the steps outlined inside the Notebooks Hub UI documentation section found here.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

  1. Add details to your server instance and click launch.

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

A screenshot of the Notebooks Hub new server steps

After the VS Code instance is created using either method, it will show up on your Servers page. The home icon on the top right corner of the instance indicates it was generated with quick launch from the Home page.

A screenshot of the VS Code instance created through quick launch A screenshot of the VS Code instance created with server wizard

Open VS Code

  1. Open the Navigation Toolbar by clicking the top left corner.

  2. Select File then Add Folder to Workspace….

  3. Select home/jovyan/work to add the work directory to your workspace. Any files saved in your personal work directory will persist across user sessions. The shared directory (home/jovyan/shared) can also be added to your workspace but cannot be edited. The benefits of adding the shared directory is to access example datasets and applications.

  4. A workspace with your selected folder will now appear in the file explorer. This workspace can be saved and renamed as desired.

If needed, additional directories can be added to the same workspace by right clicking inside the file explorer, clicking Add Folder to Workspace…, then selecting your desired folder to add.

A gif showing how to add folders to workspace in VS Code

A gif showing how to add folders to workspace in VS Code

Parent folders inside the workspace file explorer can be removed from the workspace. Folders removed from the workspace will not be deleted.

A gif showing how to remove folders to workspace in VS Code

A gif showing how to remove folders to workspace in VS Code

Install Solara

Open a Terminal Window

To open a terminal window inside VS Code, navigate to the Navigation Toolbar > Click on Terminal > Click on New Terminal.

A gif showing how to open terminal in VS Code

A gif showing how to open terminal in VS Code

If there is more than one parent directory in the workspace, a command window will open at the top of VS code prompting the user to select which directory to set as the terminal’s current path. This initial path can be changed using standard shell commands (e.g., cd <path/to/desired/directory>).

Once the terminal panel loads at the bottom of VS Code, the selected working path for the terminal will be shown before the $ symbol. If there are two or more parent folders in the workspace, the parent folder name will also be shown next to the terminal type (e.g., shown as bash - work in image below). Multiple terminal windows can also be opened using the same steps listed above, or simply by clicking on the + button or + dropdown.

Multiple terminal windows will appear in a list on the right side of the terminal panel. Use the trashcan icon to delete unnecessary windows as needed.

A screenshot of multiple terminals listed in panel in VS Code

A screenshot of multiple terminals listed in panel in VS Code

Using Custom Conda Environments

When using custom conda environments, install solara using the terminal. For more information on creating your own user-defined conda environments, please refer to the the instructions here. Packages installed into your custom environments do not need to be reinstalled with each new session.

Activate your custom conda environment using conda activate <your-environment-name> and install Solara using pip install solara.

Note: Solara can also be installed into the default base conda environment, but note that installations inside base are temporary. These will be cleared with each new user session (i.e., stopping then restarting the server instance). The gif below shows installation into the base environment.

A gif showing pip installation of solara in VS Code

A gif showing pip installation of solara in VS Code

Using Built-In Conda Environments

When using built-in conda environments (e.g., python-data-science-0.1.8), installation will be temporary within a contained server instance. However, this method is not recommended.

If you need to use a built-in environment and would like to install packages, create a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) and install any missing, but necessary, packages inside a Jupyter cell.

To install solara, create a Jupyter notebook named app.ipynb and use the first cell to run the following code. This will need to be repeated each time the VS Code instance is reloaded through Notebooks Hub.

%pip install solara

After running the cell containing the code shown above, restart the kernel. This can be completed by click the ↺ Restart button located towards the top of VS Code.

A screenshot pointing to the Restart button in VS Code

A screenshot pointing to the Restart button in VS Code

Next, run the following code cell to confirm that the solara package is accessible.

%pip show solara
A screenshot showing the output of the code cell above

A screenshot showing the output of the code cell above

If the package is not accessible, the following error message will appear.

A screenshot showing error message with missing package name

A screenshot showing error message with missing package name

After installation, restart the kernel. This can be completed by click the ↺ Restart button located towards the top of VS Code.

A screenshot pointing to the Restart button in VS Code

A screenshot pointing to the Restart button in VS Code

Alternative Installation Methods

In some situations, it may be preferable to install specific versions of Solara or in specific contexts. For information on alternative installation methods of Solara (e.g., unreleased versions, firewalled networks), please refer to the instructions here.

Creating a Solara App

Using Python Scripts

Create .py File

Create a new .py Python script file, commonly named or for simplicity. This can be renamed if desired. Two easy options to create a new file using the VS Code interface are shown below.

Option 1: Use Navigation Toolbar > Click on File > Click on New File

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

Option 2: In the File Explorer Panel, hover over your workspace name and click on the new file button: VS Code new file button

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

Using Jupyter Notebooks

Create .ipynb File

Create a new .ipynb Jupyter Notebook file, commonly named app.ipynb or sol.ipynb for simplicity. This can be renamed if desired. Two easy options to create a new file using the VS Code interface are shown below.

Option 1: Use Navigation Toolbar > Click on File > Click on New File

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

Option 2: In the File Explorer Panel, hover over your workspace name and click on the new file button: VS Code new file button

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

A gif showing method to create new file on VS code.

Select Notebook Kernel

On the top right corner, click on Select Kernel to select which linked Python environment to use to run code inside the notebook. If a virtual environment solara-env was created, this should be selected as the kernel.

A gif showing notebook kernel selection inside VS Code

A gif showing notebook kernel selection inside VS Code

Occasionally, VS Code will not automatically suggest the Python environment module selected when creating the VS Code instance. If so, click Python Environments then select the desired Python environment (e.g., python-data-science-0.1.8).

A screenshot of the VS Code kernel selection window

A screenshot of the VS Code kernel selection window

A screenshot of the VS Code kernel selection window

A screenshot of the VS Code kernel selection window

Reminder: If using %pip install solara in the first notebook cell to install Solara, please remember to restart the kernel after running this cell.

Write App Code

The following utilizes a simple example provided in Solara’s documentation to demonstrate the basic steps.

First, use import solara to call Solara into your script alongside any other necessary dependencies.

import solara

Next, declare any reactive variables at the top level. In Solara web applications, reactive objects are primarily used to manage global states and are context-aware. This enables Solara apps to maintain separate values and independent states for each user session. Components using these variables will be re-executed when their values change.

For local or component-specific states, solara.use_state() is a more appropriate function (see details here). Additional details on solara.reactive() are available here.

clicks = solara.reactive(0)

Next, build components for your app. Users can create custom components

Next, add components to your app. Users can create custom components without any special distinction from the built-in components provided by the framework. To create a component, define a Python function decorated with @solara.component. Single elements are taken as the component’s main element. If multiple elements are created, they are automatically wrapped in a Column component. See more information here.

The code below will generate a button that, when clicked, will increase in the count displayed.

def Page():
    def increase_clicks():
        clicks.value += 1

    solara.Button(label=f"Clicked {clicks} times", on_click=increase_clicks)

Render App

Launch App From Python Script

In order to launch your app as a .py file, navigate to the terminal window. Although Solara documentation notes that solara run <appName>.py should launch the app (or even notebook), the VS Code instance on Notebooks Hub utilizes a different method.

Automated Extraction of Service Prefix ID

Create a new .py file inside your working directory. For simplicity, it can be named Copy and paste the code shown below into

# simple automated script for proper port forwarding of Solara app when launched inside Notebooks Hub VSCode instance

import os

# extract jupyterhub service prefix and modify for solara service prefix
jhsp = os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX']
ssp = jhsp + 'proxy/8765'

print(ssp) # this will output the desired path to use

Navigate to your VS Code terminal window and ensure the terminal is pointed to the proper working directory (e.g., ~/work/Solara). If needed, this path can be changed using standard shell commands (e.g., cd <path/to/desired/directory>).

Use the following command to run the newly created Python script.


Manual Extraction of Service Prefix ID

If you prefer to extract information manually, follow the steps provided below.

Inside your terminal window, run printenv JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX to extract service prefix information. This should return a path that includes your email and server instance IDs on Notebooks Hub. For example, the output should look similar to /user/email-id/server-ID/.


Copy the output path and append proxy/8765 to the end. The path should now look similar to /user/email-id/server-ID/proxy/8765.

Next, use the terminal to run the following code with the appropriate modifications.
- Replace the email-ID and server-ID placeholders with your extracted information.
- Replace with the appropriate filename of your Solara app.
export SOLARA_SERVICE_PREFIX=/user/<email-id>/<server-ID>/proxy/8765

Lastly, run the following code to launch the Solara app from the terminal.

SOLARA_APP=$SOLARA_APP uvicorn --workers 1 --root-path $SOLARA_SERVICE_PREFIX --host --port 8765 solara.server.starlette:app

Following the steps above should enable proper port forwarding and render the specified Solara application as seen in the gif below.

Display App Inside Jupyter Notebook

The following cell is necessary to render the Solara app inside Jupyter notebooks. The display(Page()) line can be taken out when launching solara as a web app, but it is necessary here inside the Jupyter notebook.

The next cell should generate a live output when the cell is run. The button is clickable and will display a click count that increases in real time.

A gif demonstrating the live output of the clickable button

A gif demonstrating the live output of the clickable button

Quit App

In order to quit the running application, open the browser tab containing the VS Code and use Ctrl+C in the terminal to stop the app.

Additional Information

Port Forwarding

Applications are forwarded into different ports. A pop up notification will appear at the bottom right corner of VS Code. Click Open in Browser to open a new tab window showing the running application.

A screenshot of the port forwarding notification

A screenshot of the port forwarding notification

If this notification does not appear or disappears after some time, navigate to PORTS in the terminal panel to see any running applications.

A screenshot of the PORT panel in VS Code

A screenshot of the PORT panel in VS Code

Additionally, a long list of items may accrue in the ports panel. These typically appear as the kernel is restarted when creating your Solara app inside Jupyter Notebooks. This is no cause for alarm and may be ignored.

A screenshot showing accrual of ports

A screenshot showing accrual of ports

Solara App “Anatomy”

Solara provides helpful overview of structure and content, referred to as Solara anatomy. The page provides the following image and may be helpful in explaining example code.

A descriptive image of Solara app anatomy

A descriptive image of Solara app anatomy

Reuse .py code inside .ipynb notebooks

One feature of Solara is the ability to reuse code. This makes it easy to embed Solara scripts inside Jupyter notebooks. This can be incredibly helpful when wanting to compile multiple Solara apps into one interactive notebook.

To do so, ensure the desired .py files are in the same directory as your .ipynb file. The user can then call the .py files inside notebook cells. All .py files to be called must have different file names, and the .py extension must be dropped.

For example, the following code will call the app and import the Solara component Page that was defined inside display() will then display the the component.

from sol import Page
A screenshot showing successful import of app module

A screenshot showing successful import of app module

If the .py extension is not dropped, the call will fail.

A screenshot showing failed import of app module

A screenshot showing failed import of app module

Differences Between Solara and Streamlit

Solara and Streamlit both enable easy building of web applications. Details on differences between each tool can be found inside Solara’s documentation here and from other sources on the web (for example, see here).

Some of the notable differences between these two tools include:
- Streamlit re-executes the entire script when a change happens in the web app. In contrast, Solara uses a reactive approach and only re-executes components using the reactive variables.
- Streamlit enables use of Magic comands, which makes the tool easy to use, and provides automatic state-handling. In contrast, Solara’s state is separated from components and is handled manually by the user. As a result, Solara’s performance is less fragile as apps become larger and more complex. Additional details on Solara’s state management can be found here.
- Streamlit offers visually appealing components that are often better than Solara’s. However, Solara is able to provide more component options because it utilizes the entire ipywidget ecosystem.